Examples in Structural Analysis Second Editio

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The design of structures, of which analysis is an integral part, is frequently undertaken using computer software.

 This can only be done safely and effectively if those undertaking the design fully understand the concepts, principles and assumptions on which the computer software is based.

 It is vitally important therefore that design engineers develop this knowledge and understanding by studying and using hand-methods of analysis based on the same concepts and principles, e.g. equilibrium, energy theorems, elastic, elasto-plastic and plastic behaviour and mathematical modelling.

 In addition to providing a mechanism for developing knowledge and understanding, hand-methods also provide a useful tool for readily obtaining approximate solutions during preliminary design and an independent check on the answers obtained from computer analyses.

 The methods explained and illustrated in this text, whilst not exhaustive, include those most widely used in typical design offices, e.g. method-of-sections/joint resolution/unit load/McCaulay’s method/moment distribution/plastic analysis etc. 

In Chapter 7 a résumé is given of the direct stiffness method; the technique used in developing most computer software analysis packages. 

The examples and problems in this case have been restricted and used to illustrate the processes undertaken when using matrix analysis; this is not regarded as a hand-method of analysis.
