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PREFACE: The cross-sections and their properties are a basic component in almost all aspects of analysis and design of structures. In fact, the primary objective of an efficient design process is to proportion the cross-sections of structural elements to resist the applied load effects and actions. Also, the preliminary dimensions and properties of cross-sections are required to start the modeling and analysis process for the structural system, to prepare initial cost estimates and even to refine the basic space planning and utilization schemes. It is the key role cross-sections play in overall structural behavior, analysis, and design, which motivated authors to write a book focusing on their basic understanding and behavior, with an emphasis on computer applications. The main objective of this book is to provide a consolidated and consistent information, insight and explanation of various aspects of crosssection behavior and design, irrespective of, but with due consideration to different materials. It discusses theoretical formulations, practical analysis, design computations, and computer applications for determination of cross-sectional response. The main areas of focus and distribution of chapters is as follows:
1- The overall view of cross-section behavior with respect to various aspect of structural mechanics and computing is covered in the Chapter 1, Structures and Structural Design. It discusses the basic concepts and procedures for structural analysis and design, including a discussion of the development of structural design philosophy and progression of design approaches, terminating with a discussion of performance-based design. The chapter also discusses the basic concepts of stiffness, nonlinearity of relationships between deformations and corresponding actions, etc., and lays the foundation for the remaining chapters in the book.
2- The meaning and computation of cross-section properties, from A�Z (area to plastic section modulus) are covered in Chapter 2, Understanding Cross-Sections. It provides the basis for the study and understanding of the structural cross-sections. The anatomy and hierarchy of the crosssection shapes, types, and the materials they are made up, is extensively covered. Several methods for defining the cross-sections, including parametric and general procedures are discussed. The main focus is on computing the geometric properties of various section shapes, using closed-form solutions as well as more general polygon and mesh-based procedures are discussed. In addition to the formulae to compute the properties, a discussion on the significance of various properties helps to improve the cross-section behavior computer-based methods and several solved examples are included followed by problem for readers to try and explore. The chapter makes use of extensive illustrations and diagrams.
3- The meaning and calculation of stress-resultants using a unified and integrated approach are covered in Chapter 3, Axial-Flexural Response of Cross-Sections. This treatment of cross-sectional behavior is unique and not covered in most of the books on this subject. A set of general equation as well as computation procedure is presented to determine the capacity interaction surface of generalized cross-section made up of any number and configuration of materials. Several solved examples are presented, together with flow charts to demonstrate the code-based procedures for design of beam-column sections.
4- The shear and torsion stress distribution and design calculations for reinforced concrete sections are covered in Chapter 4, Response and Design for Shear and Torsion. Several detailed flow charts are included to demonstrate the procedures used in ACI, BS, and Euro codes for design of cross-section subjected to shear and torsion, followed by solved examples.