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Engineering mechanics involves the development of mathematical models of the
physical world. Dynamics, a branch of mechanics, addresses the effects of forces on
the motion of a body or system of bodies. This book deals with the understanding of
the dynamic behavior of engineering structures and components. The tools of formulating the mathematical equations and also the methods of solving the equations
are discussed. A knowledge of the motion for the structures and components is most
important for their design.
MATLABR �is a modern tool that has transformed the mathematical calculations
methods because MATLAB notonly provides numerical calculations but also
facilitates analytical calculations using the computer. This book uses MATLAB as
a tool to prove some concepts and to solve problems. The intent is to show the
convenience of MATLAB for theory and applications in dynamics. Using example
problems, the MATLAB syntax will be demonstrated. MATLAB is very useful in
the process of deriving solutions for any problem in dynamics. This book includes a
large number of problems that are being solved using MATLAB. Specific functions
dealing with dynamic topics are created.
The main distinction of this study from other projects and books is the use of
symbolic MATLAB for both theory and applications. Special attention is given to
the solutions of the problems that are solved analytically and numerically using
MATLAB. The figures generated with MATLAB reinforce visual learning for
students as they study the programs.
This book provides a thorough, rigorous presentation of kinematics and dynamics, augmented with proven learning techniques for the benefit of instructor and
student. Our first objective is to present the topics thoroughly and directly, allowing
fundamental principles to emerge through applications. We emphasize concepts,
derivations, and interpretations of the general principles.
Modern technical advancements in areas of multibody systems, robotics, spacecraft, and design of complex mechanical devices and mechanisms in industry
need knowledge of solving advanced dynamic concepts. We discussed the tools of
formulating the mathematical equations and also the methods of solving them using a modern computing tool like MATLAB.
Included are analytical and numerical methods for explaining the dynamics problems using computer programs. This book is extremely useful for a number of reasons. This book presents theory, computational aspects, and applications of dynamical systems and is a straightforward introduction to the subject. It provides coverage of basic material with both mathematical and physical.
This book will assist the graduate students interested in the classical principles of dynamical systems and is used primarily for a one semester course in dynamics. This book can be used for classroom instruction, and it can be used for a self-study and can also be offered as distance learning. It would be appropriate for use as a text for senior undergraduate and first year graduate students.