Craig's Soil Mechanics 7th Ed

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This book is intended primarily to serve the needs of the undergraduate civil engineering student and aims at the clear explanation, in adequate depth, of the fundamental principles of soil mechanics. The understanding of these principles is considered to be an essential foundation upon which future practical experience in geotechnical engineering can be built. The choice of material involves an element of personal opinion but the contents of this book should cover the requirements of most undergraduate courses to honours level as well as parts of some Masters courses. It is assumed that the reader has no prior knowledge of the subject but has a good understanding of basic mechanics. 

The book includes a comprehensive range of worked examples and problems set for solution by the student to consolidate understanding of the fundamental principles and illustrate their application in simple practical situations. Both the traditional and limit state methods of design are included and some of the concepts of geotechnical engineering are introduced. The different types of field instrumentation are described and a number of case studies are included in which the differences between prediction and performance are discussed. 

References are included as an aid to the more advanced study of any particular topic. It is intended that the book will serve also as a useful source of reference for the practising engineer. The author wishes to record his thanks to the various publishers, organizations and individuals who have given permission for the use of figures and tables of data, and to acknowledge his dependence on those authors whose works provided sources of material. Extracts from BS 8004: 1986 (Code of Practice for Foundations) and BS 5930: 1999 (Code of Practice for Site Investigations) are reproduced by permission of BSI. Complete copies of these codes can be obtained from BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, MK14 6LE.
