Download Advanced engine technology by Heinz Heisler Easily In PDF Format For Free.
Advanced Vehicle Technology has been written with the aim of presenting an up-to-date, broadbased and in-depth treatise devoted to the design, construction and maintenance of the engine and its auxiliary equipment in a clear and precise manner.
The intention is to introduce and explain fundamental automotive engineering concepts so that the reader can appreciate design considerations and grasp an understanding of the difficulties the manufacturer has in producing components which satisfy the designers requirements and the production engineer and maintenance assessibility.
This will enable the mechanic or technician to develop an enquiring mind to search for and reason out symptoms leading to the diagnosis and rectification of component faults. Line drawings are used to illustrate basic principles and construction details. Photographs of dismantled or assembled components are deliberately excluded because these can be obtained from any manufacturer's repair manual and do not adequately explain the information which is being sought.
This follows on from Vehicle and Engine Technology and covers the engine technology for levels 2 and 3 of CGLJ 383 Repair and Servicing of Road Vehicles, underpinning knowledge for level 3 NVQ Motor Vehicle Engines, and the engine technology for BTEC National Certificate/ Diploma Motor Vehicle Engineering.
In addition, the content and depth of this text encompasses the engine technology modules for both the BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Motor Vehicle Engineering and the Institute of the Road Transport Engineers.